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Reakcia na: Podhradovčan2 #60930:
5721 už nie je zlatá? Zlaté... 😂
Reakcia na: Podhradovčan2 #60929:
Spolu s ním bola na Hlavnej aj #212 🙂
SOR NB 12 #5721
SOR NB 18 #4740 už nemajú na sebe reklamu.
Streda 26.5.2021
9: #535
Štvrtok 27.5.2021
9: #530
36: #3516, #4739
71: #4723
Piatok 28.5.2021
6: #528, #806, #833, #841
17: #3317, #4724, #4741
72: #4704, #4705
Sobota 29.5.2021
6: #817
9: #822, #843
71: #4728
72: #4722, #4724
Sobota 22.5.2021
6: #822
9: #827
10: #4733, #4736
17: #4725, #4765
32: #5725
72: #4708
Nedeľa 23.5.2021
6: #825, #835
9: #814, #845
17: #4747
36: #4711, #4733
71: #4704, #4708, #4741
Pondelok 24.5.2021
6: #610 + #611
9: #508, #531
17: #4752
71: #4723
Utorok 25.5.2021
6: #820
9: #508, #512, #521, #535, #537
Reakcia na: jayimhd #60924:
Reakcia na: Dispecer #60923:
Thank you for the explanation.

Is the Dispatch Forum for transport fans to contribute service history?
Reakcia na: jayimhd #60921:
Well, service history of vehicles here in "Dispatch Forum" or here - https://imhd.sk/ke/vehicles-in-service is totally incomplete, because it's made by observation of transport fans (depending on their free time).

That's why it seems that lot of vehicles don't run very often, but that's not true for lot of them.

An exception from the trams is, for example, tram no. 701 (Pragoimex VarioLFR.S), which did not operate for a very long time due to traffic restrictions due to COVID-19, but otherwise by default is sent to one specific duty serving most of the time routes to U. S. Steel.
Štvrtok 20.5.2021
6: #530
71: #4741, #5741
Piatok 21.5.2021
6: #801, #816
9: #530, #535
71: #4723
72: #4747
Reakcia na: Dispecer #60920:
Vehicles that aren’t in service very often.
2TheMHDmarek3’s previous post lists:
Pondelok 17.5.2021
6: #528
9: #501, #500.
According to their service history, they don’t run very often. But by the time 2TheMHDmarek3’s posted, they were back in the depot for who knows how long.
Reakcia na: jayimhd #60919:
What do you mean by "rare vehicles"? Older vehicles? Representatives of vehicle models that are in fleet only in small numbers? Atypical vehicles?
Is there somewhere to find tips about ‘rare’ vehicles in service earlier in the day?
Pondelok 17.5.2021
6: #528
9: #501, #509
71: #4728, #4743
72: #4723, #5102
Utorok 18.5.2021
6: #626 + #627, #807
9: #531, #608 + #609
10: #4757
34: #5744, #5751
R2: #500
Streda 19.5.2021
6: #819
9: #500, #512, #535
71: #3322
Sobota 15.5.2021
52: #5704
71: #4708, #4723
Nedeľa 16.5.2021
6: #812, #816
9: #841
23: #5717
34: #6704
Streda 12.5.2021
6: #839
9: #530, #534
34: #5711
71: #4741
Štvrtok 13.5.2021
6: #523, #832
9: #530
12: #4760, #4763
19: #4755
23: #5720
25: #5712
36: #4728, #4745
71: #4757, #5704, #5757
72: #4711, #4722, #4743
Piatok 14.5.2021
6: #531
9: #509
19: #4719, #4738

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