Request stops, getting on and off

Many of bus and trolleybus stops in Bratislava are request stops ("na znamenie" in Slovak). On the night routes all stops are request stops. On the contrary, on the tram routes all stops are fixed stops.

Passengers wishing to get on the vehicle at a request stop should stay visible on the platform. No other action is reqired, except opening the door by pressing the DOOR button if the doors are not opened by the bus driver.

Passengers wishing to get off the vehicle at a request stop have to indicate this by using the STOP button inside the vehicle. New vehicles have STOP buttons installed on the handles, older vehicles have STOP buttons on the ceiling (buses) or above the doors (trolleybuses) marked with "Znamenie vodičovi" or "Zastávka na znamenie" signs.

Majority of buses, trolleybuses and streetcars is equipped with self-service door opening system. It means, passengers wishing to get on or off the vehicle have to press the DOOR button marked by "Dvere" or "Otváranie dverí" sign to open the door.

There are many types of vehicles, therefore there is no single door opening system.

  • In streetcars (trams) always press the DOOR button before getting on or off. Buttons marked by "Znamenie vodičovi" (Signal to the driver) and "Záchranná brzda" (Emergency brake) signs near the doors should be used only in emergency cases.
  • In trolleybuses always press the DOOR button before getting on or off. If you wish to get off at request stop you have to indicate this also by pressing the STOP button in advance.
  • In buses if the DOOR button is present, always press this button before getting on or off. If you wish to get off at request stop you have to indicate this also by pressing the STOP button in advance.

Passengers can get on and get off through any doors within the public transport (except regional routes 801 and 901).


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