Ticket Types and Prices

Introduction to Košice's fare conditions

When buying tickets for the public transport in Košice, there are several different options to consider. The two most important properties of all tickets are that they can be used for an unlimited number of journeys within their time validity and can be divided into full fare and reduced fare tickets.

In Košice, as opposed to many other cities in Europe, tickets for day routes are not valid during the night and vice versa.

Short-term tickets & SMS tickets

Ticket type Fare type 30 mins (day) 60 mins (day) 60 mins (night)
Paper ticket Full fare 0.90 € 1.00 € 1.50 €
Reduced fare 0.45 € 0.50 €
Electronic ticket Full fare 0.86 € 0.96 € 1.50 €
Reduced fare 0.41 € 0.46 €
From the driver Full fare only 1.50 € 1.50 €
SMS ticket Full fare only 1.10 € 1.10 €

Short-term tickets are valid for a single journey on one or multiple routes within a short space of time (up to an hour). Passengers must either buy a paper ticket or a travelcard before boarding and must validate it immediately in one of the vehicle's ticket validator located near all doors. It is possible to transfer from one route to another, even multiple times, but the time validity of the ticket cannot be exceeded. Neither paper or electronic tickets should be validated after changing routes. The time validity passes even during the time required to change routes.

Both paper and electronic tickets have guaranteed validity, which means that if a direct journey with no transfers is scheduled to take 30 minutes, it is enough to purchase a 30-minute ticket regardless of possible delays acquired during the journey. It is very important to be sure about the schedule.

If neither of the options above is available for the passenger, they may still purchase a ticket directly in the vehicle. Such tickets are sold by the driver for a unified price of 1.50 € and are valid for 60 minutes. Another option is to purchase an SMS ticket by sending any message to 1166. After 2 to 3 minutes, the passenger will receive a returning message, which the ticket is not valid without. Note: foreign cellular connection providers will not support this service. In such case, it is neccessary to purchase a regular paper or electronic ticket or purchase the SMS ticket from a number registered at a Slovak cellular connection provider.

The prices for short-term tickets can be found in the chart above.

Tourist tickets

Ticket type Fare type 24 hours (1 day) 168 hours (7 days)*
Paper ticket Full fare 3.20 € 12.00 €
Reduced fare 1.60 € 6.00 €

For tourist or city visitors who travel a lot on the public transport in Košice, 1-day and 7-day tickets are available. These are only available in paper form and can be purchased in ticket machines at most stops or in Dopravný podnik mesta Košice's ticket offices. The prices of these are in the chart above.

*The 168-hour ticket can also be purchased in electronic form as a 7-day prepaid ticket for the same price.

Long-term (prepaid) tickets

Fare type 7 days* 30 days 90 days 180 days 365 days
Full fare 12.00 € 25.00 € 68.00 € 126.00 € 242.00 €
Reduced fare 6.00 € 10.00 € 26.50 €

Prepaid tickets, just as short-term tickets, can be used for an unlimited number of journeys within their time validity, which, in case of prepaid tickets, is much longer and such tickets are only available on electronic travelcards.

Prepaid tickets can be purchased in Dopravný podnik mesta Košice's ticket offices, select newsstands and even online.

All time validity options together with their prices are shown in the chart above.

* The 7-day ticket can also be purchased in paper form as a 168-hour tourist ticket for the same price.

Luggage fare

Ticket type 60 mins for luggage (day & night) 
Paper ticket 0.90 €
Electronic ticket 0.86 €
From the driver 1.50 €

When commuting with a bicycle, three or more pieces of luggage or two or more animals, it is neccessary to purchase and validate a separate luggage ticket. The prices of these are in the chart below.


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Reply on: Iv #6:
Iv, I'll correct you a bit:
Is the tourist ticket valid for all trams and buses across the city?
- Yes, this ticket is valid for all trams and city buses including night buses or tram and buses to Vstupný areál USS (R and RA lines). Regional buses have a different tariff.
Reply on: colpur #5:
Now I am 62 years old is it correct I get the reduced rate?
- No, only with permanent residence in SR.

Is the tourist ticket valid for all trams and buses across the city?
- Yes, including night transport.

After buying the ticket at the airport presumably I stamp it on the first bus in the machine,
- Yes.

then do not need to do anything else with it for the 7 days, just carry it with me?
- No, just carry with you. I recommend to try ticket stamping machine with paper first, because sometimes it isn't working properly and ticket can be marked only once.
PeterMHDFotos : Thanks for your reply. A few more related questions if you don't mind. Now I am 62 years old is it correct I get the reduced rate? So just 6 Euros for a 7 day tourist ticket? This seems so cheap, is it definitely correct? Is the tourist ticket valid for all trams and buses across the city? I will be travelling to and from the Lokomotiva Stadium Hotel a lot. How do I prove I am a tourist and over 62, just carry my passport alongside the ticket? After buying the ticket at the airport presumably I stamp it on the first bus in the machine, then do not need to do anything else with it for the 7 days, just carry it with me? Thank you.


Reply on: colpur #3:
Yes, you can buy 7 day ticket at the airport, you can buy it outside of building at ticket machine, ticket works both day and night and you don't need a photo.
Hello. Can I buy a tourist 7 day ticket at the airport? Does the tourist 7 day ticket work both day and night for the 168 hours? Exactly where do I buy the ticket at the airport? Do I need a photograph for the tourist 7 day ticket? Thank you / Ďakujem
Reply on: Nick55 #1:
Reduced is for people that can use discount like students, kids, seniors, disabled people etc.
Hi there, to whom it may concern,

My question , what it means 0.45 Euro reduced fare ? ticket ?
Thank you , Nicholas 💗 👍