Tickets (from 1 Sep 2019)

Price of the basic tickets

Fare zone


30 min

60 min

60 min - night lines


24 hours

7 days

30 days

90 days

180 days

365 days




0,90 €

1,00 €

1,50 €

3,20 €

12,00 €






0,86 €

0,96 €

1,50 €


12,00 €

25,00 €

68,00 €

126,00 €

242,00 € 

On board


1,50 €

1,50 €







SMS ticket 1166


1,10 €

1,10 €







# only in day lines
#, in day or night lines

Price of the reduced fare tickets



30 min

60 min

60 min

24 hours

7 days

30 days

90 days



0,45 €

0,50 €

1,50 €

1,60 €

6,00 €




0,41 €

0,45 €

1,50 €


6,00 €

10,00 €

26,50 €

On board



1,50 €





# only in day lines
#, in day or night lines

Price of the tickets for luggage or bicycles

Fare zone Payment

60 min



0,90 €


0,86 €

On board

1,50 €


#, in day or night lines



Travel tickets for 1 ride

Tickets for one ride are tickets with which you can travell for only one ride. It is allowed to travell with more than one line, but you have a time limit (written on travel ticket). Passanger can get on only the purchase of the travel ticket. You have to validate all tickets with validity from 30 minutes to 7 days.  If you are changing line, don't validate the ticket second time. Time of your travel is time in schedules, not the real time, but in that time is also your waiting time in the stop. One ride travel tickets can be in forms, like:

  • paper travel tickets - you can obtain these tickets in the most of kiosks, DPMK shops and ticket machines or in the vehicle sold by driver with validity for 60 minutes,
  • elektronic travel tickets - you can obtain these tickets in ticket machines or designators in the vehicle, if you have to have your own electronic travelcard from DPMK, a. s., or from other carriers from the EM BASE association,

If you are traveling with an animal or baggage, you have to mark your travel ticket not only for you, but also for them.

Tourist tickets

Tourist tickets are for unlimited rides travelling (also with night lines) for time of their validity. You have to validate ticket immediately after boarding the vehicle. If you are changing line, don't validate the ticket second time. Tourist tickets are with validity 24 hours and 7 days (168 hours). You can obtain them in DPMK shops or in the ticket machines.


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