
Operator Contacts


Public transport in Banská Bystrica is operated by:

Ticket Types and Prices


Introduction to Banská Bystrica's fare conditions When buying a ticket for the public transport in Banská Bystrica, there are different options to consider. One can either purchase a single-journey

From Station to Station


The bus station The central bus station (Autobusová stanica) is located near the city centre, very close to the railway station. The nearest bus stop, Autobusová stanica stop, is served by routes 20,

Step-free access on the Transport


There are 25 low-floor trolleybuses and 32 low-floor buses currently in operation in Banská Bystrica.

Mobile application for smartphones and tablets

Common documents

If you use smartphone or tablet, you can have the most information from the always with you by mobile application

Ticket shop


Travel office Bus Station:

Prices and types (from 16 Mar 2019)


Basic information about tickets There are three ways to pay for travel. First, you can buy ticket from bus driver by cash. This ticket is valid only for one journey without change. For ticket prices

To stations


Main railway station (Železničná stanica Banská Bystrica) Bus stop Železničná stanica, routes 1 2 4 6 7 8 20 28 29 33 34 35 36 41 43 80 97 100. Near are also bus stops Partizánska cesta, Námestie

Prices and types (from 1 Sep 2018)


Basic information about tickets There are three ways to pay for travel. First, you can buy ticket from bus driver by cash. This ticket is valid only for one journey without change. For ticket prices

Terms of use

Common documents

Please note that this is only excerpt of the full legally binding version of the Terms and Conditions in Slovak language. 1.   Definitions 1.1.  „Web Portal” are all pages and services located at

Privacy policy

Common documents

Please note that this is only excerpt of the full legally binding version of the Privacy Policy in Slovak language.   1. Definitions: 1.1. „Web Portal” are all pages and services located at domain

Ticket shop


Travel office SAD Zvolen:



Public transport in Banská Bystrica is operated by Dopravný podnik mesta Banská Bystrica (Banská Bystrica Transport Company) and Slovenská autobusová doprava Zvolen (Slovak Bus Transport Company Zvolen).

Contact us

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Social media Facebook Twitter Instagram E-mail If you want to inform us about an error on our site, please, describe us in detail the circumstances under which the error occurred. If you want

Contact to Banská Bystrica


Social media Facebook Twitter Instagram E-mail If you want to inform us about an error on our site, please, describe us in detail the circumstances under which the error occurred. If you want



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Contact us

Common documents

Social media Facebook Twitter Instagram E-mail If you want to inform us about an error on our site, please, describe us in detail the circumstances under which the error occurred. If you want

Cookies Policy

Common documents

Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector sets condition by using cookies in communication between internet browser and a website.

Prices and types (from 1 Jan 2014)


Basic information about tickets There are three ways to pay for travel. First, you can buy ticket from bus driver by cash. This ticket is valid only for one journey without change. For ticket prices


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